Jowie Sentenced to Death

Joseph Irungu, Jowie Sentenced to Death in Monica Kimani Murder Case

Jowie Sentenced to Death – In a solemn and momentous verdict, the High Court judge, Grace Nzioka, sentenced Joseph Irungu, popularly known as Jowie, to death for the brutal murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani in 2018. Justice Nzioka delivered the verdict on Wednesday, emphasizing that Jowie’s intentional and meticulously planned actions led to this heinous…

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Paul Kagame Endorses Raila

Paul Kagame Endorses Raila for AU Commission Chairperson

Paul Kagame Endorses Raila – In a significant move that bolsters Raila Odinga’s bid for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairperson position, Rwandan President Paul Kagame has officially thrown his support behind the seasoned Kenyan politician. Kagame, speaking to NTV, highlighted Odinga’s impressive performance as the AU High Representative for Infrastructure Development, emphasizing his qualifications…

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Bonfire Adventures

Bonfire Adventures – Gateway to Unparalleled Travel Experiences

Situated in the vibrant city of Nairobi, Kenya, Bonfire Adventures stands as a beacon of excellence in the travel industry, offering not just vacations but transformative experiences that linger in the heart forever. As an award-winning team, we proudly commit to providing round-the-clock support, ensuring your journey is not only memorable but also stress-free, backed…

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