Affordable Housing Bill Sails Through Second Reading After 141 MPs Support, 58 Oppose

Affordable Housing Bill

In a significant stride towards realizing President William Ruto’s ambitious affordable housing project, the proposed legislation successfully passed the second reading in the National Assembly on Tuesday. The momentum gained additional support as Kenya Kwanza-aligned MPs rallied behind the President’s directive, ensuring the bill’s smooth progression.

Despite concerted efforts by opposition MPs to impede the bill’s passage, the government secured a decisive victory with 141 votes in favor, overshadowing the 58 opposing votes.

Amidst the political maneuvering, Ugunja MP [Name], acknowledging the multitude of amendments proposed for the contentious bill, urged for a brief respite. “Due to the many amendments that have been proposed by various members on the controversial Bill, I would request that you give us time, so that we debate the Bill on Thursday to allow as many members as possible to bring amendments,” the MP pleaded.

However, Majority Leader Kimani Ichungw’ah countered the plea, emphasizing the urgency of the bill’s discussion without delay. “We should not delay the debate on this Bill, any amendments can be proposed and we can even have a supplementary order paper, but this debate must come tomorrow,” asserted Ichung’wah.

The heated discussions revolve around numerous proposed amendments to the bill, with one notable change being the elimination of the 10% deposit requirement for home ownership.

Finance Committee Chair Kimani Kuria explained, “There was a fear that these houses will be taken by the rich at the expense of the people that could benefit from this affordable housing. And therefore we will be proposing to have one ID or one KRA Pin carry one house so that we do not have people taking advantage of this particular program and going to invest in them at the expense of the hustlers that are benefiting from this programme.”

As the debate unfolds, it remains to be seen how these proposed changes will shape the landscape of affordable housing in Kenya. The coming days are crucial as MPs deliberate on the bill, navigating the intricate balance between policy amendments and the urgent need for affordable housing solutions. Stay tuned for further updates on this pivotal development.