Eve Mungai loses Ksh800k monthly salary after breaking up with Director Trevor

Eve Mungai loses Ksh800k monthly salary

Director Trevor has officially announced the end of both his personal and professional relationship with Eve Mungai, a connection that spanned nearly five years. This revelation came to light through a series of Insta Stories shared on Monday, February 19, 2024.

In his social media updates, Trevor revealed a significant shift by taking full control of the YouTube channel, indicating a solo direction for his future endeavors. He explicitly stated that Eve Mungai’s services are no longer required in the collaborative projects they once shared.

When questioned about the possibility of future collaborations with Mungai, Trevor made it unequivocally clear that her involvement in their joint platforms has been terminated. This public disclosure marks a turning point in their professional partnership, with Trevor now steering the course independently.

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