Police Inspector Stoned to Death in Raid at Illicit Brew Den

Police Inspector Stoned to Death

Police Inspector Stoned to Death – In the line of duty, law enforcement officers often face perilous situations, braving the unknown to uphold the law and ensure the safety of communities. However, tragedy struck on Wednesday evening in Oyude market, Rarieda sub-county, when a routine crackdown on illicit alcohol took a devastating turn.

Inspector Simon Mwangi Kariuki, a dedicated officer attached to Ndori police station, embarked on this operation alongside his colleague, Wilfred Maina, responding to information regarding the presence of illicit alcohol in the area. They didn’t anticipate that this mission would cost Inspector Kariuki his life.

The Scene

Upon arriving at the scene, the officers swiftly apprehended Caren Okumu, also known as Nyaseme, who was found in possession of illicit alcohol and contraband cigarettes. However, the situation escalated rapidly as the suspect raised an alarm, rallying a group of hostile individuals who launched a vicious assault on the officers.

In the chaos that ensued, Inspector Kariuki found himself under a barrage of stones and crude weapons wielded by the assailants. Despite his valiant efforts, including firing warning shots in the air to deter the attackers, he tragically succumbed to his injuries, leaving behind a void in the law enforcement community.


Miraculously, Inspector Maina managed to escape the onslaught albeit with injuries to his shoulder, underscoring the gravity of the situation faced by law enforcement officers in the line of duty.

The loss of Inspector Kariuki reverberates not only within the law enforcement fraternity but also across the entire community. His unwavering dedication to serving and protecting the public will be remembered as a testament to his selflessness and bravery.

Law Enforcers

Following the heinous attack, a team of security personnel led by Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo swiftly responded. They meticulously processed the scene as efforts intensified to apprehend the perpetrators and recover Inspector Kariuki’s stolen firearm.

Currently, authorities have apprehended one suspect, Caren Okumu, who is cooperating with authorities in their ongoing investigation. However, law enforcement is actively searching for additional suspects, underscoring their commitment to ensuring that justice is served.

Mourning Inspector Simon Mwangi Kariuki

As we mourn the loss of Inspector Simon Mwangi Kariuki, let us also reflect on the inherent risks faced by law enforcement officers daily. Their sacrifices in the pursuit of justice and public safety serve as a reminder of the profound debt of gratitude owed to those who dedicate their lives to upholding the law.

In this moment of grief, let us unite in honoring Inspector Kariuki’s memory and reaffirming our collective commitment to supporting those who serve on the front lines of law enforcement. May his legacy endure as a beacon of courage and integrity for generations to come.

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